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I don’t have anything to wear!

This week we are doing the laundry!

run a load before bed and first thing in the morning
run a load before bed and first thing in the morning

The refrain, ‘ I don’t have anything to wear!’ is a regular sound in my house. I am not sure about you, but in my house it seems that as soon as you put the clean clothes in the drawers, they are back in the washing!

Washing day

I read about setting up a schedule for laundry last year and implemented it in my house. It mostly works but there are still times where the refrain down the passage is “I can’t find my….”.  This may just be because there are three teenage girls, two of whom share a lot of clothes.  And so the search begins! First they look in each other’s cupboards and then in the washing basket.  My son has a different problem; his clothes seem to land up in his father’s cupboard!

No matter how many times you tell everyone, ‘If the clothes are on the floor, then it is assumed that they need washing’, it doesn’t seem help!


We go through a lot of clothes in a week as none of us are in a uniform. The school my girls are at don’t have one, I work in an office and no longer wear one, my son (sort of) has a uniform of black pants and white shirt and my husband wears a white jacket over his normal clothes.

Creating a laundry area

Very few of us are privileged to have a laundry room but even if you do, it still needs to be planned out and kept tidy. You can’t iron or fold clean laundry in a dirty space.

Your detergents, bleaches, stain removers and softeners, should be kept together, clearly marked and away from the children.

The schedule

I used to have this big, wonderful 10kg capacity top loader machine, but sadly after 23 years of use, it died! The manufacturer doesn’t even have spare parts anymore! Now I have a very good front loader, it works beautifully but the only problem is, it is a normal size and we are doing a minimum of 3 loads of washing 4 times a week.

Here is what we created to keep up with the demand of 6 people!

Monday – Whites and blacks

Tuesdays – Bright colours and delicates

Wednesday – Dark colours like brown and blue

Thursday- Sheets and towels

Friday – Dish cloths and underwear   (separately, of course)

I use separate baskets to help with this.

Different fold up soft baskets for colour sorting
Different fold up soft baskets for colour sorting

Do you have a laundry routine? How often do you wash your bras? How often do you change the sheets on your bed?

Need help staying on top of your clutter, why not join the group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingsorted/

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