Category Archives: Jewish food
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The Truth about Pesach
- Apr, 22, 2019
- Adrienne
- household management, Budgeting, Family Calendar, food, grocery shopping, Jewish food, Managing your household, Organisation and clean up, Religious holidays, Specifically Jewish
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The truth about Pesach is that most of us overdo the food. I am sharing my thoughts on what we do to ourselves when preparing for Pesach. The story Pesach is a time of sadness for the Jewish people, we were slaves in Egypt. Pesach is also a time of great joy. We became a […]
Read MoreFlaming- The Open Flame
- May, 25, 2016
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, Jewish food, Kosher, Restaurant reviews, Reviews
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Last week we were very lucky, as we won some money on the Lotto and decided to use it to have the garage door fixed. This cost us a lot less than expected, so after a really bad day at work, I asked my husband if we could use some of the money to get […]
Read MorePassover
- Apr, 19, 2016
- Adrienne
- Celebrations, Jewish food, Kosher, Religious holidays, Specifically Jewish
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If you live in certain areas of the country, you may have noticed that Pick n Pay Hypermarkets, in some areas, have aisles set aside with really odd foodstuffs that have ridiculous prices! This is the beginning of the madness called Pesach or Passover. Pesach is a Jewish festival lasting 7 days in Israel and […]
Read MoreQuick Matzo Ball Recipe
- Apr, 03, 2016
- Adrienne
- Jewish food, Kosher, Meal Planning, Quick meals, Religious holidays, Soup, Specifically Jewish
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We are coming up to Pesach, and what would Pesach be without Kneidlach/ Matzo balls? Jewish or not this is a great meal, when served with the traditional chicken soup or even with a thick tomato or butternut soup. Here is a quick and easy way to make the perfect soup accompaniment. This recipe is […]
Jozi Blue-The coffee experience
- Feb, 14, 2016
- Adrienne
- Braai, Coffee shops, Jewish food, Kosher, Specifically Jewish, Uncategorized
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My youngest daughter and I went to my favourite coffee place. Jozi Blue, a small unassuming coffee shop, in the heart of Glenhazel, Johannesburg. I must admit, I am not a great coffee drinker at all, and I couldn’t even begin to tell you about the different beans and their flavours that are on offer […]
Read MoreI can’t manage without it, can you?
- Dec, 22, 2015
- Adrienne
- Chicken recipes, household management, Jewish food, Meal Planning, Meat Recipes, Quick meals, slow cooker, Slow cooker recipes, South African, Summer
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I don’t know how I did it? Oh, wait I didn’t! In March 2015 I started making menu and meal plans for the month and not only did my grocery bill drop but so did my weight! In the past if I cooked, it was whatever I could stick in an oven because I was […]
Read MoreDid you know it is Chrismukah?
- Dec, 06, 2015
- Adrienne
- Chanuakah, Chrismukah, Christmas gifts, frugal gifts, Jewish food, Religious holidays, South African, Specifically Jewish, Summer, Xmas gifts
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It is December and that means Chanukah for the Jews and Christmas for the Christians. Thank you to the person who gave me the information to write about Chistmas. The story of Chanukah Chanukah is the Jewish Festival of lights. It is an eight day celebration of a miracle that occurred 2000 years ago. The […]
Read MoreBorscht or Beetroot soup
- Oct, 04, 2015
- Adrienne
- Budgeting, Jewish food, Quick meals, Soup, Specifically Jewish, Vegetarian Recipes
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This is a delicious cold summer soup. Here is my instant recipe. 1 Bottle of sliced or shredded beetroot. 1/2 Bottle of water Lemon juice to taste 1 peeled, boiled baby potato per person (or use normal potatoes and quarter them) Blend everything together to make a slightly chunky soup. Chill. Add the hot […]
I don’t have a menu plan for the next week!
- Sep, 17, 2015
- Adrienne
- Jewish food, Meal Planning, Specifically Jewish
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This week’s meal planning blog is actually not really about meal planning at all. We have come out of the first set of Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, and are moving into the next, which is Yom Kippur. This is a day of repentance, 25 hours to be precise. At this time we […]
What are you serving?
- Sep, 03, 2015
- Adrienne
- Jewish food, Meal Planning, Specifically Jewish
- No Comments.
Rosh Hashonah, it’s here. What are your plans? Have you ordered your meat? Do you know what you are making? Yom Tov is always special, even for those who don’t keep Shabbat, as we make an extra effort with food and table settings. For the first time ever, I know what I am making and […]
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