Home » household management » Sorted
- Dec, 28, 2015
- Adrienne
- household management, housekeeping, Organisation and clean up, South African
- No Comments.
Welcome to a whole new chapter in Kashering Your Life. This is a group project so I have started a Facebook group called ‘We’re Getting Sorted’. Here’s what it’s all about. https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingsorted
For those of you who have been reading my blog, especially the “About Me’ page, you will see that decluttering my house has been a losing battle for me over the last 20 or more years!
At the beginning of 2015 I found a group called Declutter 365 , run by a lady named Tory. The group is about decluttering your home in 15 minute sessions, 365 days a year. Obviously I joined and am still a member of the group. There is, however, one fairly large problem that has prevented me from keeping up with the groups cleaning calendar which is that it is an American based group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/declutter365
This means that when they are talking about putting away the snow shoes and clothes, we are pulling our winter stuff out of the cupboards. Then a whole month is dedicated to something that is very rare in South Africa, and I believe in Australia and New Zealand too, and that is Attics and Basements! Also their kids are on school holidays at different times to ours and they start school at the ‘ wrong’ time of the year. If you do have either a basement or an attic in your home, let me know so we can look at adding it to the calendar.
So I asked a professional to come have a look at my house. When I told her my budget, she was polite enough not to laugh at me! 2016 is around the corner and I will not let another year go by without making a concerted effort to beat the clutter!
So I started the We’re Getting Sorted group. I figured that with having to lead the way and with everyone watching, I would have no choice but to clear up and clear out the junk! https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingsorted
Here’s what you will need. A timer, because you are only going to clean in 15 minute cycles.

A large black dustbin bag for the rubbish you will throw away and 2 kinds of boxes or crates, for the things you are going to put away, donate or sell.

Here’s how to do the 15 minute increments! Take your timer, bag and box to the area you are working in. Set the timer for 10 minutes as this is the time you will use to sort your area into the bag or the boxes. As you sort either put the item back in its place or into the dustbin bag, or donation box, or into the ‘return to the right place’ box.
When your 10 minutes are up, use the last 5 minutes to take the “return to right place” box and put everything back to where it is supposed to be. You don’t have to put it in the correct spot, just the right room or area because you will get there later to tidy that spot too. Then take out the trash and put away the donate box either into a space where you can fill it up as you go along or to where ever you are donating. This can be the boot of your car until you can deliver.
On my website I have a list of charities and what they need/want and also if they collect.
If you do have time to do more, then go ahead. However, I found that 15 minutes is usually all I have time and energy for after working a full day and then making supper and supervising homework.
At the beginning of each week, I will post a blog about the upcoming tasks and the reasoning behind some of them. We will be starting with easy stuff and then working up to the big things.
In the group I encourage everyone to share their before and after pictures, their experiences and tips that work for you.
We all have different shaped and sized rooms in our homes, so what might work for one person may not work for another. If you have a question or suggestion, but don’t want to put in on the FB page with your name, email me and I will post it, so that everyone can give ideas.
Remember this is going to be an interactive group activity. The rules are simple.
- Everyone is invited
- Pictures are welcome
- Suggestions are encouraged
- No rude remarks or naming and shaming
- If you find an item that you think will help get others organised, email me, if we have enough members, maybe I can approach the company to give us a group members special.
- No advertising. (if you wish to advertise a business that may go well with any aspect of Kashering your life, email me to get the rates to advertise on the website)
- Lastly have fun, don’t feel pressurised into keeping up, life happens.
My email address is adrienne@kasheringyourlife.co.za. If you know someone who might like to join but who isn’t on Facebook, direct them to my website to sign up and they will get the schedules and calendars emailed to them. www.kasheringyourlife.co.za
Let’s enjoy the journey together!

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