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What’s in the drawer?
- Apr, 04, 2016
- Adrienne
- Sorting and Cleaning, household management, Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
This week we continue in the kitchen and we’re doing drawers and cupboards.
The kitchen drawers
A big thing in America is the kitchen junk drawer, this is the space where you put things like rubber bands, extra batteries, sticky tape (which you can never find when you need it) and other miscellaneous bits and bobs.
If you have one of these drawers, it is time to clear it out and go treasure hunting for those little lost items. If you don’t have one of these drawers, or it’s not in the kitchen, then move on to your plastic bags and food storage bags and wraps.

Under wraps
It is time to sort through your tin foil, your plastic wrap and the collection of plastic bags because you forgot to take them with when you went shopping, and I know you have a collection, because even I, who doesn’t go into a shop very often, have a collection of bags!
Mix and Match
How many containers do you have without lids and how many lids without containers? I had quite a few of these until I cleared them out on my first clean up. This is a task that should be done every few months to avoid over-cluttering the cupboard.

Everything but the kitchen sink
What is under the kitchen sink? I have baking paraphernalia stored underneath, which does not mean that I bake all that much! If I want biscuits I either buy, or I will ask my mom to make some and I haven’t made a cake in years!

Remember as you unpack each drawer and cupboard, clean it with a damp cloth. There is no point in cleaning out only to put everything back neatly into a dirty cupboard.
Let’s see your before and after pictures and encourage us with your cleaning genius! Good luck for this week.
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