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The paper round- Magazines and Newspapers
- Jan, 10, 2016
- Adrienne
- cleaning schedule, household management, housekeeping, Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
Week 2, This weeks assignment:
Clear out your magazine and newspaper collections.
I am still sticking to the easy stuff this week. I hope everyone was able to do their 15 minutes.
I say that I am sticking to the easy stuff but, in my house, newspapers, and more especially magazines, are a huge issue. About 5 years ago I decided to declutter some papers in my husband’s supposed study area as the clutter was getting to me. I found unopened professional magazines going back 5 years! His answer when asked why, was that possibly there is a good article in them! I also found car service documents for cars that were sold before we were married in 1991! We still haven’t found the document my husband needs!
Now that we get the Jewish Life magazine, I have another set to worry about. He is presently diligently working on his collection of old magazines and papers, as he is looking for a very important set of documents.
Day 1:
Walk around your house with either a box or a plastic packet and collect all magazines and newspapers. Magazines with recipes should go where you keep your recipes, we will get to them another day. Choose the magazines you want or need and put them in the place you want to keep them. Remember magazines are good for projects, but you don’t need 100!

Day 2:
It’s time to get rid of old school books. If you don’t already belong, maybe it’s time to sign up for the group called Second hand school books and uniform exchange. Here you can either swop or sell your unwanted books. I am sure even your old textbooks from varsity could go there!
Day 3:
You collected your magazines; maybe you feel that it is a waste to recycle them into the bin, so what about finding underprivileged schools that could use them for school projects? Just remember that when you donate the magazines, they should be appropriate. Men’s Health may not be the right magazine to give to a primary school, but it might be the perfect thing for a high school!
Day 4:
You have chosen what you want to keep, now it is time to relook at why you want to keep them and what purpose they will serve. Any newspaper more than 2 weeks old should be put in a recycling bag, if there is an article you want to keep, cut out that article and get rid of the rest. The same treatment goes for magazines 3 months and older. If there was a recipe or something in a magazine that you wanted, tear it out and put it with your recipes. You don’t need to keep a whole magazine for one page in it.
Day 5:
You have torn out the recipes you wanted from the magazines that you don’t want, now remember those old school files you decluttered last week? Use one to create a file to store your recipes or articles in.
With these small tasks, each day you should already start seeing a difference in your home and it only took a little time each day.
If you have help, the tasks may go faster, or slower, depending on who is helping you!
This is what my wonderfully clean and organised entrance, with the help I am getting sorting papers!

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