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Help Wanted for New Beginnings

Help Wanted

I need help! When I started my blog “Kashering Your Life”, I did not really expect the response that it received worldwide. The simple blog with which I started has grown into a company and it is now as far as it can go in this configuration.

My first logo!
My first logo!

In order for it to grow and prosper the blog needs a complete makeover. Everything from the name to the colours, logo and possibly, even the tag line needs to change.

My 2nd Logo
My 2nd Logo

This is where all of you come in. First we need a new name; the name must obviously reflect what this new company is all about. We will be running a competition for the name.

My current logo
My current logo

When you post your name suggestions, either in the comments of the blog, or on the FB page, you will go into a draw.

Winning name

I will count the top three name suggestions according to the ‘likes’ they receive and the people whose names receive the most ‘likes’ will receive a prize of a magnetic weekly menu planner board.

The person who suggests the winning name will receive a planning package, which includes a magnetic weekly menu board, a laminated comprehensive shopping list, a laminated monthly planner and a set of 60 printed budget envelopes. Remember to also look through other people’s suggestions. http://www.facebook.com/kasheringyourlife

Our mission is this:

This is my goal and the start of my mission statement
This is my goal and the start of my mission statement

We want to help busy people make living life easier by providing education and workshops on meal planning.

We want to promote health by providing two services.


The I-plan service, which means we plan your meals for the month, supply the shopping list and the recipes where needed.

The second service is the I-cook service, where we supply ready cooked, healthy diabetic friendly meals to people who are too busy to cook but would like to eat nutritious meals without the hassle. (Starting soon in the Johannesburg area only)

This competition is open to all new and old followers. COMPETITION ENDS 15 November 2016

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