My family are not fish eaters but I can get most of them to eat this dish. This haddock dish is an adaption of a classic Kedgeree and is a family favourite, it brings back memories of my childhood. It is to me absolute comfort food
Fish is expensive and feeding a large family on a budget means we don’t eat this often enough!

Preheat oven to 180 C
500 g Spaghetti
1 piece of frozen Haddock steak per person
Enough milk to cover the fish
125 g grated yellow cheese and some extra for the topping
1 tbs flour
Bread crumbs for topping
In a pot, boil your spaghetti as per instructions on the packet
In another large pot, place your Haddock steaks and cover with milk and poach the fish in the milk, (do not let the milk boil), the fish is ready when it is soft and flakes easily. Take the milk off the heat and take the fish out. In a bowl flake the fish into small pieces.
Take about 125 ml of the milk out, keep the rest. Slowly add your milk to the flour until it forms a runny paste, then pour it back into the rest of the milk. Return the pot to the heat and stir until the mixture thickens slightly. Add the cheese and stir. Turn off the heat when all the cheese is melted.
Drain the cooked spaghetti and add it to the cheese mixture and add the fish, stir until everything is coated with sauce. I add in frozen vegetables at this point, but that is a family choice and not part of the recipe.
Place everything into an ovenproof dish and cover with the remaining cheese and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake for about 30 minutes at 180 C and then brown for a further 5 minutes under the grill.
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