Easy Chicken soup

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This is a nice easy recipe, requiring no stock powder.


1 chicken

3 carrots cut into large pieces

2 onions quartered with skin on

2 turnips cut into chunks

3 sticks of celery

1 piece of ginger root, peeled

2 tomatoes

5-6 peppercorns

2 bayleaves

Salt to taste


Combine everything in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to boil, skimming regularly. Simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

If you want clear soup, pour through a strainer. I like to remove the bayleaves, peppercorns and ginger, then put all the vegetables in the blender, to roughly chop them (not smooth) and then put everything back in the pot. I

If you use a whole chicken, remove the chicken carefully (it will break easily) season and brown in the oven.

You can use 2 chicken carcasses instead of a chicken.