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Home shopping

Home shopping unlike you have ever known. My version of home shopping is actually going to save you money!

You have created your meal plan, now it’s time to shop!

What’s in the cupboard

The first stop in your shopping is your kitchen cupboard!

When you begin meal planning you follow a set of steps to help you plan easier.

What does the family like
Get ideas from your family of what they like to eat
  1. Find out what your family likes to eat
  2. Draw up your template
  3. Draw up your meal plan ( for a week or a month)
  4. Find your recipes
  5. Draw up a shopping list
  6. Take an inventory of your pantry
  7. Plan your shopping route

Today we are looking at numbers 5 and 6 on the list, shopping and inventory.

The first stop is your kitchen. Take an inventory of what you already have in the kitchen. Then mark those items off your shopping list.

You’ve got it

You just did your home shopping. It didn’t cost you anything.

The first time I did a kitchen inventory, I didn’t have to go to the shops for pantry items for nearly 3 months. I had so many duplicates and cans of food that had expired at least 2 years before.http://kasheringyourlife.co.za/how-long-has-it-been-for-you/

Pantry Inventory (2)
What’s in your cupboards?

Don’t only do an inventory of your pantry though. You need to take an inventory of you fridge and freezer too. http://kasheringyourlife.co.za/nothing-to-eat/

You will be amazed at how much you actually have in your kitchen after having listened to the kids telling you there is nothing to eat.

Home shopping also includes for me, online grocery shopping.

I like online grocery shopping for a few reasons. http://kasheringyourlife.co.za/10-reason-grocery-shop-online/

  1. No closing time
  2. I don’t have to speak to people I don’t like
  3. No queues
  4. No grumpy tellers
  5. Ladies you don’t have to wear a bra
  6. You can dress in your pajamas
  7. You can have a glass of wine and no one will judge you
  8. There are no children screaming for treats
  9. No parking hassles
  10. No car guards

You just have to know a few tricks to successfully online shop for your grocery. http://kasheringyourlife.co.za/10-tips-help-save-when-shopping/

Have you ever tried shopping in your kitchen?

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