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Johannesburg my City

Today is day 24 of my 30 day blogging challenge, and the task is to write a post with my location in the search criteria. http://www.sarkemedia.com/blogging-challenges-traffic/

Today’s post is edited by myself and not my usual editor, so apologies for any errors in advance.

I am sitting in front of the computer, with children out at various arrangements. For teenagers in Johannesburg, it seems that in the last 30 years there is one thing that hasn’t changed! They still like to hang out at the malls.

This is something I remember doing, and at Sandton City too, what definitely has changed is the shopping centre itself, it is huge! Oh, and don’t forget the cellphones, I am not sure why they bother to hang out at all, no one speaks to anyone, they are all looking at their phones.

Sandton City Johannesburg
Sandton City Johannesburg

Up until last year my middle daughter would never have gone anywhere, but a change in schools and a summer camp later, she’s out and about with friends.

My two eldest have gone for supper with their friends, I am left at home with my husband and my baby (12 yrs old), eating burgers and watching TV.

RTG Kosher in Johannesburg
RTG Kosher in Johannesburg

The only problem with having teenagers with a social life, is the cost and for those that don’t have kids old enough to drive, it is the staying awake late enough to have to go out and fetch them!

I must admit, despite the late nights and empty wallets, and the absent social life, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

What city do you call home? Do you spend  your Saturday nights the way we do, waiting for the teenagers to get home or do you still have a social life?



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