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Planning a picnic

Going on a picnic can be both fun and exhausting. Fun as it is great way for family to spend time together. It is exhausting, as you need to organize the food and cold drinks, cutlery and crockery to take with you.

Planning a picnic is quite an undertaking, especially if you have small children.


Venues are important as you want somewhere where the children are safe can have fun running around, riding bikes and enjoying themselves, where you can relax and not worry too much. So avoiding places with large bodies of water might be a consideration.

A great venue with little children and babies, is your back/front yard. Very little traveling is required, you know it’s safe and if you forget anything it is not far to go to fetch it!

Planning a picnic? The venue is as important as the menu


Then there is your comfort, beach chairs for those who prefer not to sit on the ground. Ground cover that is large enough for the rest of the picnickers.

Plates, cups and cutlery are also a consideration. Do you have a stock of disposable items to use at the picnic or are you going to use your normal everyday cutlery and crockery?

If you are using disposables, don’t forget the trash bag for your rubbish.

What to eat?

Now for the most important part of picnic, the food. What are you going to be serving at the picnic and how many people are joining you?

Salads are usually standard potato salad but what if you want a bean salad or a green salad with dressing? Containers need to suit your salad. Potato salad doesn’t need to be in an airtight container but a salad with a dressing or sauce will need to be properly sealed.

Are you taking cold meats or cold meat sandwiches? Cold meats are easy, you take them as they come packaged.  If you prefer sandwiches are you going to prepare them at home or are you taking bread and spread with to make the sandwiches at the picnic?

picnic food
How will you be serving your food?

The bee issue

Sugary drinks attract bees, so if you have anyone with an allergies then cups with lids and bottles that close are better than cans, water is better than either. If you are me though then water is not going to cut it on a picnic.

bees at a picnic
Sugary drinks and food attract bees so think carefully about what you are taking with

Serviettes (napkins), I always forget the serviettes! Hand wipes are a good idea for sticky fingers as ablution facilities are not always nearby.

If you plan for your picnic beforehand, not only will it be less stressful on you but you are able to plan a healthier picnic than you would in a last minute dash for the picnic basket.


When was your last picnic? I don’t think my family has been on one in at least 5 years, teenagers with a social life don’t seem to keen!

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