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So What’s your excuse?

So what’s your excuse? Mine is I don’t have time, which is probably not true, but that, along with ‘I can’t afford a gym contract’ are just that, excuses! I follow a group on Facebook that is all about health, fitness and support.  Their Facebook credo, ‘Our goal is to inspire 100,000 South Africans to transform themselves and lead a better quality healthy life’.

On it I have ‘met’ a lot of truly inspiring people, people who have worked hard at losing weight and getting fit, changing their way of life. Transformations that are unbelievable and then I ‘met’ a lady, who showed me, the excuse of no money, is just that, an excuse. So I asked to interview her. Next week Tuesday I will publish that interview.

She posted a picture and a caption that said, ‘when you don’t own weights, use a 5kg bucket filled with washing detergent’.

Using cans available in your home, make good weights.
Using cans available in your home, make good weights.

How simple is that? I have seen more than one post about people training at home and doing brilliantly. This post just made me notice, possibly because it is in keeping with my blog on budgeting,   as well as housekeeping!

Recently all around Johannesburg, the City Parks division, has been upgrading our local parks to incorporate a work out area. It has all sorts of equipment and it appears that each piece can be used to target specific areas. I have noticed ‘trainers’ working out with people and guiding them through training sessions.

You have no excuse, even our city parks are being upgraded with gym equipment
You have no excuse, even our city parks are being upgraded with gym equipment

I think these open air gyms are fantastic as it is getting people out doors.

As with all exercise if you haven’t done it before or it’s been awhile, be prepared to be sore!

The first thing to remember, before you embark on any diet or fitness program, is that you must go for a medical check-up!

Do you exercise in any way? What is your excuse if you don’t?

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