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The back to school rush

The back to school rush is about to begin here in South Africa.

Not only getting the last minutes supplies and textbooks but also checking to see that the uniforms still fit!

Does your child have everything they need for the new school year?
Do you have everything?

If you are like me and have left everything to the last minute, the race and search for second-hand textbooks so that we don’t have to fork out huge amounts of money. If you are looking for second-hand books this is the group to checkout https://www.facebook.com/groups/539750712854478/ 

Lunch boxes and school bags

Do you know where the school bags from last year are? Can they be used this year for school or do you need to get new ones? What about lunch boxes and water bottles? Are they still good, do the lids on the water bottles seal properly?

What’s the book situation?

Books -image by kimberly farmer
Ready to cover those school books?

Where there any books left that the children can use this year? Every so often I get lucky and will find a book all neatly covered and unused.

Are you going to cover the school books yourself, get your child to do it or are you hiring someone to do the covering for you?

At one stage I had 4 children in school and spent 4 or 5 hours covering books, only to discover that the one child had to have her school books covered in certain colours.


How much stationery do you still need to get? Have the dictionaries lasted, is the maths set all intact? Do you need more pens, pencils, coloured pencils, scissors, erasers, rulers, and the list goes on.

We did go through a stage here at home where one of my children refused to use anything from the previous year for school. It had to all be new. Thankfully there was only one and the next year we had no problems.

The change!

For the first time moms, this is a time filled with anxiety and excitement in equal parts! It is not only the new moms that experience this, but it is also the moms of children going to new schools, moving from primary school to high school and those moms whose kids are moving into matric.

Are you ready to go back to school?

The task we set ourselves for this week, is to check on all the things that I have mentioned and anything else that you can think of to help make that first day run a little smoother!

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