10 Things you need to know when drawing up a menu plan
- Jul, 30, 2015
- Adrienne
- Meal Planning
- No Comments.
I have been ‘meal-planning’ on and off for about 6 months, but only in the last 3 months have I been doing it properly. In that time, our food bill, with the help of online shopping, is down about 15%. The other bonus seems to be my nemesis, the ever shrinking waist bands of my […]
Cleaning up your schedule or scheduling your clean up!
- Jul, 28, 2015
- Adrienne
- Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
A lot of the decluttering blogs that I have read give cleaning schedules for your house and they are all American. In this country a lot of us either have full time domestic, or part time domestic help, very few people have no help at all. My question is this; if you have help do […]
The Problem With “Retail Therapy”
- Jul, 27, 2015
- Adrienne
- Budgeting
- 1 Comment.
I definitely feel that retail therapy is also a short term bandaid to the real issue of why you are depressed. It also leads you to impulse buying. I have had over the years clothes that I would not normally have bought, specifically because I went shopping to cheer me up!
Read More4 Things I learned while shopping!
- Jul, 26, 2015
- Adrienne
- Budgeting, Uncategorized
I learned these 4 things when I didn’t do online shopping. Due to technical issues, I have had to post this blog unedited. Please forgive the grammatical errors. On a Facebook group I belong to, the topic of budgets came up and we started talking about the cost of groceries. I have already worked out my […]
How old is it?
- Jul, 22, 2015
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, Budgeting, Budgeting in South Africa, Daily budgeting for South Africans, food, Food Myths, household management, Managing your household, Sorting and Cleaning
- No Comments.
What does the expiry date really mean? The food monitoring people require companies to have expiry dates on their products to protect us. It doesn’t always work. So what do those labels mean? Food life SELL BY: This is actually not for the consumers but lets the retailers know how long something could be on […]
The Konmari method
- Jul, 21, 2015
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
As part of my mission to declutter, I read blogs about decluttering, downsizing, minimizing, purging and the lingo that goes with cleaning up the mess that has taken up residence in my home over the last 20 years. Now I am following (sort of) the 15 minute a day method. It is a very good […]
The 9 days have begun
- Jul, 19, 2015
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, Meal Planning, Specifically Jewish
- No Comments.
It is Tisha B’Av, the 9th Av and observant Jews are going meatless for the build up to this terrible day in Jewish history, see my previous blog post “going meatless”. For today’s blog I decided to do a different blog post. Not on anything to do with saving money, getting organised or even cooking. […]
Ricotta cheese recipe
- Jul, 16, 2015
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, Meal Planning, Specifically Jewish
- No Comments.
I have been really busy this week and got my days mixed up. I try and post to my blog on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, with short posts to the Facebook page every day. This week I posted to the blog on Wednesday! As part of the post for ‘going meatless’ I gave you Chef […]
Read MoreGoing Meatless
- Jul, 15, 2015
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, Meal Planning, Specifically Jewish
- 1 Comment.
With a lot of the world following the “Meatless Monday” trend and for the Jewish people the 9 days to Tisha B’Av (9th Av)coming up, I decided to post a few meatless recipe ideas. The Meatless Monday idea actually started in America during WW 1, when the American government asked families to cut back on certain […]
Read MoreWhere do I begin?
- Jul, 14, 2015
- Adrienne
- Organisation and clean up, household management, housekeeping
- No Comments.
It’s time to begin! On my Facebook page ,Kashering Your Life, I have posted my new decluttering project. My bead room! I make and sell jewellery, as well as teach a jewellery class once a week. A couple of months ago I moved my work area to another location in my house and just never […]
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