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Workspace creation

Today we are creating an area where you can pay your bills, keep track of activities and plan your meals.  However, if you are like me, every now and then your workspace gets a little cluttered.

Day 1

Even if you don’t have an actual home office, you still need a small area in which to work. This week is all about creating a working space as well as a workspace.

This is the chaos that is my workspace
This is the chaos that is my workspace

Find even a small corner, whether it is in your bedroom like me, or the corner of your sitting room, family room, or even the TV room, and create your own unique space.

This week you will collect the things you need to create your space: a chair, stationary, a work station and storage for papers as well as other important daily requirements to run your home and life quickly and easily.

Day 2

You obviously need a work surface to use as a desk. This can be a small folding table or a real desk, whatever your space can hold.

If you already have a desk, it is time to clear it of the clutter by putting old till slips into boxes or packets to sort later. Decide how your desk is going to be sorted to suit your needs. It is important to organise your work surface, especially if it is small.

Make the most of small spaces with innovative ideas
Make the most of small spaces with innovative ideas

Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for my desk to get disorganised as there are  five of us using it!

Day 3

I don’t know about you but pens in my house have a way of disappearing. It is important to make sure you have the stationary you need e.g., a family planner to write activities and parties onto, pens, envelopes and even staplers.  The collection of the kid’s old school stationary is a good way to make sure you have what you need and a little extra.

If you have young kids, a good idea would be to have a colouring in book, or even an activity book, crayons or pencils, so that your little ones can ‘work’ with you.

Collect your stationary and keep it close
Collect your stationary and keep it close

Day 4

Choosing your storage solutions can often be as important as choosing your workspace. The storage solution needs to fit your work surface. Bookshelves and storage boxes can take your space from just being a space, to being an office, no matter how small your corner is.

Why not share your workspace pictures with the group. Help others create their spaces with your input. Join the group and share your ideas with us.https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingsorted/

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