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Pesach 2020 during Lockdown, how will you do it?

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Pesach table
Ready for the seder

Pesach 2020 in the year 5780

This month we will be spending Pesach 2020 during the lockdown in South Africa and other parts of the world.

For my family, this means that my mother will be alone and we will only be 5 for the Seder! My eldest daughter has been away from home and will be having her Seder with her ‘other’ family.

I have never done a Seder with such a small number of people; in fact, I have never hosted Pesach with so few guests!

Usually, my serving count of meals for the 8 days is somewhere around 100! It is strange to be shopping and planning for so few.

There are a number of things that those of us used to large Seder’s need to remember.

  1. Plan your meals; otherwise, you are going to land up buying way more than you need.
  2. Know your portion sizes to help you plan how much to make http://kasheringyourlife.co.za/how-much-is-enough/
  3. Your family is going to want to snack, so while you still want to make this a meaningful Seder under extremely difficult conditions, you will most likely have time to make other dishes.

Normally I would not advocate having a fish starter, a chicken dish and a meat dish at the Seder but as long as you don’t overdo it, then why not?

You can download my Pesach Seder Checklist to make sure you have everything you need.


As the Seder will be hard enough, it is important to make this one all that more luxurious. This is not an excuse to go out and buy a R100 cake mix, rather it is a time to learn to make new foods.

There are so many FB groups and WhatsApp groups and Telegram groups with Pesach recipes that you should be able to find one that suits you.

Melissa Mayo has even made her Pesach e-book free and there are some amazing recipes in there. https://melissa-mayo.myshopify.com/collections/books?fbclid=IwAR3DCpEjVsdnyIZKz61L7b2ARzOSNkg94wPzQfLmjksGEV06c9T5lA7FRsQ Thank you, Melissa!

For me it will be the second time making gefilte fish, normally, this job goes to my mother and my oldest daughter.

Pesach 2020 during Lockdown, how will you do it? 1
a picture of my husband and son making Chrain, 5 years ago.

My husband and son make chrain (horseradish) each year and will do so again but they will probably be grateful that they can make ¼ of the quantity.

Each year many of us say “Next year I want to make …..”, this is the year to do it.


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