Yearly Archives: 2017
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Are your cookery books taking over?
- Feb, 26, 2017
- Adrienne
- Books, household management, housekeeping, Managing your household, Organisation and clean up, Recipes, Sorting and Cleaning
Some women have a weakness for shoes. I have a weakness for cookery books, so in answer to the question, most definitely YES they are taking over. Winging it In all honesty, I maybe use half of them over and over, when I use a recipe that is. Even when I look up the recipe […]
Read MoreDinner Theme Meal Planning
- Feb, 21, 2017
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, Family, food, Health, Meal Planning, Organisation and clean up
- 1 Comment.
One of the tricks that has got me through meal planners block, is theme nights. I don’t mean elaborate themes, I just mean creating a template for yourself that will make meal planning, in all aspects, a little less stressful. What is a theme? A theme is whatever idea you want it to be. Some […]
Read MoreMeal planning and a sorted life
- Feb, 19, 2017
- Adrienne
- food, grocery shopping, Health, household management, Managing your household, Meal Planning, monthly shopping, Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
How does meal planning fit in with get sorted? New habits We’re getting sorted is all about clearing out the junk however, one of the most important ways to prevent the clutter from returning is to develop new habits. This week we look at meal planning, this topic is one of my favourites. I have […]
Meal Planning and budgeting: They go together
- Feb, 15, 2017
- Adrienne
- Budgeting, Budgeting in South Africa, Daily budgeting for South Africans, Family, grocery shopping, household management, Managing your household, Meal Planning, monthly shopping, Personal safety, saving money
- No Comments.
A meal plan can save you money. If you are budgeting you need to do this Even if you think you are good with budgeting, you may be wasting money without even realising it. My first time The first time I created a meal plan and took the shopping list with me to the store […]
Read MoreCouponing in South Africa
- Feb, 12, 2017
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, App reviews, Budgeting, Budgeting in South Africa, Daily budgeting for South Africans, grocery shopping, household management, housekeeping, Managing your household, monthly shopping, saving money, South African
Do we have coupons? Couponing is big business in the USA, reality shows abound on this topic. Here in South Africa though, we don’t really have coupons. Years ago we got coupons in our subscription magazines and the weekly local papers. Those days are gone. Except for PnP VIP vouchers for senior citizens (only available […]
Why a meal plan is important when you diet
- Feb, 08, 2017
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized, grocery shopping, Health, Meal Planning
- No Comments.
The diet plan A 7 day meal plan is included in practically every diet known to woman kind and a few men. Dieticians draw one up for you, Weighless® and Weight Watchers® have full books of weekly meal plans. Then there is The Real Meal Revolution, the Atkins diet, the Hollywood diet and about 100 […]
Read MoreHow to do recycling without leaving your house.
- Feb, 05, 2017
- Adrienne
- Environmental Issues, household management, housekeeping, Managing your household, Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
Last year I took my first foray into recycling. I wasn’t able to find out much, but what I did find was useful. Recycle or trash? Recycling in Johannesburg Since then I have found out a lot more. Johannesburg streets often ring with the sound of wheels rattling past our houses in the early hours of […]
The technology of meal planning
- Feb, 01, 2017
- Adrienne
- Budgeting, App reviews, Budgeting in South Africa, food, grocery shopping, household management, Managing your household, Meal Planning, monthly shopping, Recipes
- No Comments.
One of the aspects of meal planning that people often find difficult, is recipe searches and looking for ideas on what to make. Modern technology can help you out here. There are a lot of meal planning apps out there for you to use, some are paid for and some are free. All are useful […]
Why you need a calendar?
- Jan, 29, 2017
- Adrienne
- Child safety, calendar, Family, Family Calendar, household management, housekeeping, Managing your household, Parenting, Teenagers
Organised Chaos Calendars Creating a calendar for the family, helps avoid the clashing of schedules. I know in our house we often seem to go for ages with nothing and then 5 events on one day. How many do you have? If your school has 20 children in a class and you have 3 children […]
Pass da Homemade Pasta
- Jan, 08, 2017
- Adrienne
- Uncategorized
On the shelf About 15 years ago my mother bought us each a pasta maker. I tried it once or twice but all that happened was that the dough got wrapped around the rollers and clogged up the machine. I put mine in a packet on top of my kitchen cupboard and mostly forgot about […]
Read More- accident prevention
- App reviews
- babies in cars
- Books
- Braai
- Bread Recipes
- budget gifts
- Budgeting
- Budgeting in South Africa
- calendar
- Celebrations
- Cellphone safety
- Chanuakah
- Chicken recipes
- Child safety
- Children
- Chrismukah
- Christmas gifts
- Daily budgeting for South Africans
- Debt
- distracted driving
- driver safety
- drowning
- Environmental Issues
- Family
- Family Calendar
- Finance
- food
- Food for toddlers
- Food Myths
- Freedom Day
- frugal gifts
- grocery shopping
- Health
- heat exhaustion
- Heat wave
- Heritage Day
- household management
- I -Plan
- I-cook
- Jewish food
- Johannesburg
- Kosher
- Lockdown
- Managing your household
- Meal Planning
- Meat Recipes
- monthly shopping
- Nurses Day
- Obesity
- online shopping
- Organisation and clean up
- Parenting
- personal finance
- Personal safety
- pets in cars
- Public Holidays
- Quick meals
- Random Ruminating
- Recipes
- Religious holidays
- Reviews
- saving money
- School
- slow cooker
- Slow cooker recipes
- Soup
- South African
- Specifically Jewish
- Summer
- Teenagers
- textbooks
- texting
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- Vegetarian Recipes
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- workshop
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