Yearly Archives: 2015
Home » 2015 (Page 6)
What happened to my house?
- Aug, 12, 2015
- Adrienne
- household management, Organisation and clean up, Uncategorized
- No Comments.
We got married in 1991 and it is 21 years since we moved into our very own new home. At the time, we had no children and, amongst our friends, we were the only married couple. Being ‘Frum’ was relatively new to our Jewish community. First we lived in a beautiful, large 1 bedroom, 1 […]
Who are you?
- Aug, 10, 2015
- Adrienne
- Budgeting, household management, Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
Once again I am on assignment, to improve my blogging skills and make your reading experience better. Assignment number 4 was to write a blog to our ideal reader and include a new element. We needed to identify who this reader was. My ideal readers are people like me. It is for every […]
8 things I learned from the one rand experiment.
- Aug, 09, 2015
- Adrienne
- Budgeting, household management
- No Comments.
While researching the budget section of my blog, I came across the R1 family, a social experiment together with Sanlam. When I spoke to my mom and editor, she remembered that in 2014 Sanlam ran the R1 man experiment for the first time. I watched the R1 man (name unknown) and the R1 family […]
Do you know me?
- Aug, 07, 2015
- Adrienne
- household management, Organisation and clean up
This is a long blog post. I felt that it was necessary to reintroduce myself to everyone. I wrote and published the first Kasheringyourlife blog on the 28 June 2015 and already 5 weeks later I have over 180 followers (thank you all). I read a blog about blogging and in it they said that […]
Is your kitchen actually clean?
- Aug, 06, 2015
- Adrienne
- household management
- No Comments.
When I was at school in the 70’s and early 80’s, we had a subject called Home Economics where they taught us to knit, sew and cook. They also taught us kitchen hygiene and other housewifely topics. The subject is now called Consumer Studies. The first thing you need to know is how to wash […]
Read MoreTomato and herb soup
- Aug, 04, 2015
- Adrienne
- Food for toddlers, Meal Planning, Quick meals, Soup, Vegetarian Recipes
- No Comments.
This is a delicious tomato soup that I adapted from Woolies Babies recipe book “meals for babies and toddlers” . I bought the book in 1997 and have been making this ever since. As the kids have grown older I have added garlic to the soup and a little salt and even on occasion cream/Orley […]
Sitting down to clean
- Aug, 04, 2015
- Adrienne
- household management, Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
This week I am tackling the cleaning of the lounge and dining room areas of the house. For most of the older South African homes, a small entrance hall leads from the front door into the lounge or dining room. I would include this room in your cleaning schedule for the lounge and dining room. […]
How to save on entertainment
- Aug, 02, 2015
- Adrienne
- Budgeting
- No Comments.
You’ve made arrangements with your friends, either to go out for supper, or to a movie. This is what it will cost for two couples to go to the movies, assuming you have movie cards and the 3D glasses. For 4 adult movie tickets, providing you have movie club cards, depending on your movie club, […]
10 Things you need to know when drawing up a menu plan
- Jul, 30, 2015
- Adrienne
- Meal Planning
- No Comments.
I have been ‘meal-planning’ on and off for about 6 months, but only in the last 3 months have I been doing it properly. In that time, our food bill, with the help of online shopping, is down about 15%. The other bonus seems to be my nemesis, the ever shrinking waist bands of my […]
Cleaning up your schedule or scheduling your clean up!
- Jul, 28, 2015
- Adrienne
- Organisation and clean up
- No Comments.
A lot of the decluttering blogs that I have read give cleaning schedules for your house and they are all American. In this country a lot of us either have full time domestic, or part time domestic help, very few people have no help at all. My question is this; if you have help do […]
- accident prevention
- App reviews
- babies in cars
- Books
- Braai
- Bread Recipes
- budget gifts
- Budgeting
- Budgeting in South Africa
- calendar
- Celebrations
- Cellphone safety
- Chanuakah
- Chicken recipes
- Child safety
- Children
- Chrismukah
- Christmas gifts
- Daily budgeting for South Africans
- Debt
- distracted driving
- driver safety
- drowning
- Environmental Issues
- Family
- Family Calendar
- Finance
- food
- Food for toddlers
- Food Myths
- Freedom Day
- frugal gifts
- grocery shopping
- Health
- heat exhaustion
- Heat wave
- Heritage Day
- household management
- I -Plan
- I-cook
- Jewish food
- Johannesburg
- Kosher
- Lockdown
- Managing your household
- Meal Planning
- Meat Recipes
- monthly shopping
- Nurses Day
- Obesity
- online shopping
- Organisation and clean up
- Parenting
- personal finance
- Personal safety
- pets in cars
- Public Holidays
- Quick meals
- Random Ruminating
- Recipes
- Religious holidays
- Reviews
- saving money
- School
- slow cooker
- Slow cooker recipes
- Soup
- South African
- Specifically Jewish
- Summer
- Teenagers
- textbooks
- texting
- Tu B Av
- Uncategorized
- Vegetarian Recipes
- Winter
- Workers Day
- workshop
- Xmas gifts
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- December 2015
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- October 2015
- September 2015
- August 2015
- July 2015
- June 2015